Building the Core to Get More: 7 Tips for Awesome Abdominal Training

There’s a lot of talk in the world of fitness about building core strength because it’s been shown to enhance performance during other exercises, such as running and biking. Medical professionals and sports trainers also recommend building core strength to lessen chronic pain and prevent injuries. Some mistakenly believe that core strength refers only to … Read more

7 of the Most Fun Running Races in the U.S.

Zombies, mud, doughnuts and Disney characters…running races may be a great way to stay in shape, but it’s also gotten weird in the past several years. Fortunately all that weird has also led to a lot of fun. Today’s American races are filled with the challenging, the unusual, and the hilarious. Check out some of … Read more

Barefoot Running – is it for you?

Running is one of the most popular ways to get fit. It’s minimalistic, social, and empowering but few realise how personalised running can be. As a podiatrist, I have seen a recent increase in the number of patients asking the question “Should I take up barefoot running?” Unfortunately there is no one answer to suit … Read more