Does it Pay to Pay More for Running Shoes?

Whether you’re new to running or are an experienced marathoner, you may be wondering whether buying $200 running shoes is really worth it. Does it really pay to pay more for running shoes? The answer is: not necessarily. While you definitely want to protect your feet – your most important asset as a runner – … Read more

Choosing the Right Running Shoe

Here’s my story. I’m a runner, and I often suffer from foot, knee, hip and back injuries, and I’ve been told about 1,000 times over that it’s most likely the shoes that I’m wearing that are causing my injuries. So I went on a quest to find out if the shoes that I wear are … Read more

Best Running Shoes for Women

Proper footwear is important for all sports, from football and basketball to horseback riding. It’s extremely important for running, but unfortunately, a lot of people don’t put the effort in to seek out the best running shoes. This is a shame because running is a serious, high impact sport that puts lots of stress on … Read more

Just Say NO! To Running Shoes

If you are one of the millions of people who run on a regular basis there is a good chance you may have heard about the recent barefoot running “fad.”  Up until 18 months ago I thought it was one of the craziest ideas I had ever heard, yet people were leaving their expensive runners … Read more